Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) are written legislation by local planning authorities. These are placed on trees and or woodland in order to protect them from being unnecessarily cut down. A tree surgeon such as ourselves should be consulted if you are thinking of cutting down a protected tree. At Bronzeleaf, we are well-versed in the law and must abide by TPOs when determining whether or not we can carry out work.
A TPO can also help to ensure that trees are managed in a sustainable way. This is crucial in protecting the wildlife surrounding the tree and ensuring that no unnecessary damage is done by cutting or felling it. TPOs can affect your property, because you will not be allowed to cut down a protected tree without permission. Cutting trees without permission can lead to significant fines and reprimands. Whilst they can be frustrating, TPOs are always implemented for good reason, so it is crucial to consider this before planning work.

What Does a TPO Entail?
It is a crime to carry out any kind of tree maintenance or felling once a TPO has been placed on it. As a Tree Surgeon, it is our responsibility to ensure that we do not work on a protected tree.
TPOs prohibit the following processes to trees:
- Cutting Down
- Lopping
- Topping
- Uprooting
- Wilful Damage
- Wilful Destruction
On occasions where consent is given by Local Planning Authorities, work will likely be subject to certain conditions.
How to Know if Your Tree is Protected by a TPO
If you’re not sure whether or not your tree is protected by a TPO, you can check online on your Local Authority website page that relates to tree preservation orders. This page will have all of the information you need about protected trees, as well as details on how to apply for consent to fell a protected tree. Additionally, feel free to get in touch with us. As a Tree Surgeon, we are knowledgeable in the local laws regarding TPOs and will be able to advise you on the best course of action.
Getting Permission to Remove a Tree
When it comes to cutting down trees, permission must be granted by the Local Planning Authority first. This ensures that trees are protected and that their removal is not done hastily or without sufficient cause. Six weeks’ notice is required as it gives local authorities ample time to consider whether a TPO should be implemented. TPOs are often placed on trees in special architectural or historical interest, in which trees help to preserve its appearance. TPOs are also placed on trees situated in conservation areas as they are an important part of the wildlife. Trees that are dying, dead, diseased or dangerous are likely to be exempt from TPOs, however it is always best to check.
We recommend that it is always best to seek advice from a tree surgeon such as ourselves. Our professionals can advise you on the best course of action and whether your tree can be worked on.
If you require our advice on TPOs, or our other services, call us on 07854 369097 or click here to contact us.
Article: Phoenix Marketing